Wonderful Squirrels



Quotation Policy

I will not use anyone's real name or email address (unless directly and intermittently permissioned to do so).

I can point to a profile page on a registration-based forum or bulletin board.

I can use a permissioned alias, pen name, or pseudonym which you choose and which nhas an established re-validation schedule.

I will not reference anything said in a private messages (unless "released" to do so).

I will not reference anything that shows you disparaging anyone; that is your direct and free-choice responsibility and privilege in which I find neither soundness nor attraction in mediating away from you.

I will not speak for or as you, in order to use your quotes as a shield for me, myself, not being direct, That is a personality dysfunction, a kind of "passive aggression" deployed by footnote fetishists and politicos (larval power "experts") who "draft" others to fight in web wars which they foment, fuel, and find a sick and agent provocateur joy.


I will try to reinvent and implement new human social relationships based partly upon observations which I and others make of squirrels' knowledge-in-action and propaganda-of-the-deed.

Acknowledged Limitations

These are to be found in both how I observe and how I learn from what I have, thus, selectively-observed.

Focused on Action

Despite the obvious life-limit of only being able to "consider" walking in another's shoes, I will seek to not merely ponder what I hopefully synthesize-in, but to resolutely and consequently act.

Acting with Focus

I will strive to act proactivity, rather than reactively, not at all, weakly/passively, or with a far-too-typical human-centrism which mimics hierarchy-enslaved humanity by pretending that a fictional elite of some self-aggrandizing delusion — predictably including blathering/droning use of terms like "intelligence" and "evolution" when a codependent sadistic enforcement of and surrender to entropy are of what suppressed reality is really made) to know what's best for the enslaved, whether pre-human or non-human by those blind to anything but mirrors: anti-lifers, to whom only a mutually-exclusive greed gives exploitation an eternal victim, evil by any other name.

Opening to the Other

The inspiring wisdom, complementary and supportive acts, vital contrary views, and research-observations of treasureous others — making life worth living and possible — will be a primary focus. My unique views come from elevating and synthesizing all those events and lives which precede me, IF I am open to them, if I strive to negentropically evolve by elevating that treasureous "gift".

Acknowledging the Other

I will not use anyone's real name or email address (unless directly and intermittently permissioned to do so). My arrangement with my squirrel friends for using their pictures and stories, is this very web site. I think that I got the better side by having them as mutually respecting and loving friends!

I can point to a profile page on a registration-based forum or bulletin board.

I can use a permissioned alias, pen name, or pseudonym which you choose and which has an established re-validation schedule.

I will not reference anything said in a private messages (unless "released" to do so).

I will not reference anything that shows you disparaging anyone; that is your direct and free-choice responsibility and privilege in which I find neither soundness nor attraction in mediating away from you.

I will not speak for or as you, in order to use your quotes as a shield for me, myself, not being direct, That is a personality dysfunction, a kind of "passive aggression" deployed by footnote fetishists and politicos (larval power "experts") who "draft" others to fight in web wars which they foment, fuel, and find a sick joy and/or agent provocateur psycho-"paycheck" of some kind.

Self-dynamicizing Opinions

I view the process of expressing my opinions as use of a 'snapshot' in conjuring or "stirring up" a feedback loop [of dimensionN], which, through the use of paradox/contradiction/critique stimulates and allows one to openly and freely regenerate the dimensionN+1 "swirl" in and from an endless helix of possibilities. Life moves or is non-living.

Squirrel abilities to move quickly exudes an attraction to that vibrant "existence" by me and by those with a will to live.

Conversely, and oft-intermingled in a dichotomous war, their presence reveals a cold and life-destructive repulsion in-and-from those who find motionless stasis and themselves as a qualitativeless "one-ness", as a constipated quantitative mass, that is, as one lifeless, dead, inorganic pile.

The organic which has broken free of its stone-hearted persistense, seeks to inspire and to induce a birth of "the wild and the free". The anti-dynamic not only disallows, but hunts and murders "the wild and the free" across all space-time it prefers owned into an eternal motionlessness and silence.

I, in fact, we all, have but to reach towards life's [re-]energizing toroidal-core, with a bridging hand held out — offered not as anfd from one separate, distanced, or above — but as one shared singularizing moment of the same equally-unique and connectedly-integrated, of being(s) which seek(s) becoming together.

Our hands are held out to our in-common Otherness, from one "connected cell" of an Other to an Other cell... especially to >all Others, in order to create life becoming itself, ever greater than before.

We are the universe becoming aware of itself, such that it — a gathered "we", i.e., we together — may ever more justly, joyously, and fruitfully create a universal self — that 'whole greater than the sum of separates' expression of the universe of unique-izing selves — as lavish, as robust, as dynamic, as negentropically-expanding, as mutually-inclusive as "One-an-[Other] selves".

There are definitely forces which find self-awareness and life-expansion abhorrent, if not intolerable. Even with all the infinite space between two "cells", it is the consciously-made "bridge" — self-affirming unity which joins us together for each of us, and beyond the subjectivity-ripping, movement-freezing, silencing jaws of a movingly-pungent, albeit forever-staticizing death.

Squirrels and squirrels-in-Others unite, we have "only" our common uniquenesses and unique community[-ness to re-capture, to evolve, to re-invent, to enjoin, and to enjoy. And... that ain't "peanuts"!